You may remember your favorite stuffed-animal growing up, and the comfort it provided when you were scared or hurt. For Jonathan, a 7-year-old pediatric patient at Alaska Native Medical Center, a soft, huggable dinosaur was just what he needed to get through his oral surgery and dental rehab. Our partners at Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation know a small gesture, like a toy dinosaur, can make a positive impact on the recovery of child patients.
The Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation (HAFN) works to raise awareness and funding for the needs of the Alaska Tribal Health System. Through its Virtual Raven’s Ball Fundraiser, HAFN raises awareness and funding for the unmet needs of the Alaska Tribal Health System.
In 2022, GCI provided a $25,000 contribution to this year’s Fund-A-Need for the Healthy Kids Initiative. A total of $60,322 was raised to support the cause. The Healthy Kids Initiative supports the health and wellness of Alaska Native youth. HAFN believes all children deserve access to medical care whether it’s a routine checkup or for a serious illness. This year’s funds were allocated to a four very important causes:
Lori Lange Memorial Toy Fund – $5,000: Thousands of stuffed animals were donated to pediatric patients at the Alaska Native Medical Center. Since its establishment, 16,000 children have received a stuffed animal. These stuffed animals provide comfort in what can be a stressful or painful situation.

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Family Birthing Services Fund – $10,000: This fund supports the family’s needs from delivery to postpartum. Healthy Alaska Native Foundation ensures all new parents receive a New Beginnings book and each hospital room is equipped with a rocking chair and bassinet for baby.
Pediatrics Fund – $10,000: Money raised for this fund supports the Alaska Native Medical Center’s pediatric units, including Pediatric intensive care and neonatal intensive care units. It helps families be closer to children receiving care in the hospital, who live in villages and other parts of rural Alaska. These donations have helped purchase a Venoscope, toys, books for long-term pediatric patients, infant stethoscopes, NICU cribs, and 12 crib cameras that provide live video-feed for families with babies in the NICU.
Healthy Kids Fund – $35,000: This general support fund contributes towards the needs of surgery, wellness medicine, cancer care, education, travel, and grief/mourning. It is unrelated to the other Healthy Kid Funds aforementioned. At GCI, we believe our children are the future of Alaska and work to partner with organizations focused on keeping the next generation of Alaskans healthy. GCI is honored to partner with Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation and their efforts to foster a culture of healthy Alaska Native communities, patients, and youth.