Dog mushing as a mode of transportation in Arctic climates has been embedded in Alaska Native culture and way of life for centuries. GCI celebrates this uniquely Alaska activity and is a long-time supporter of sled dog races around the state including Iditarod, Kuskokwim 300, Tok Dog Musher’s Association, and the Kobuk 440.
Our partners at the Alaska Native Heritage Center highlight the cultural importance and historical necessity of dog team transportation for many Alaska Natives living in rural areas.

GCI’s Rural Connectivity Initiative is helping GCI plan for the future
Please enjoy this encore interview from 2021 from Alaska Native Heritage Center Development Director Shyanne Beatty (Hän Gwich’in Athabascan) talking with Jody Joseph-Potts (Hän Gwich’in Athabascan) both from Eagle, Alaska to learn more about their history with dog teams and the relationships formed with their dogs.
Photo credit for the header on this blog post goes to David Poyzer.